Protecting our P3 PATIENTS.
How we’re keeping our patients safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.
P3 Medical Group is committed to giving our patients the care they deserve. Guided by federal, state and local plans to support a safe reopening, here are some of the steps we are taking to keep our patients safe so that you can confidently receive care when you need it.
Getting the care you deserve means getting care when you need it. Patients and providers will work together to determine if an in-person visit is needed or if the visit can be done via video conferencing. If you believe you were sick with COVID-19 or we’re exposed please call our team to let us know prior to your appointment.

In person:
P3 Medical Group accepts in-clinic appointments and clinic doors will remain open during business hours.

P3 Medical Group is now offering telemedicine appointments. You can get the care you deserve when you need it most without leaving the comfort of your home through telemedicine video conference.

Masks and hand sanitizer.
Masks: P3 Health Partners is removing its in-clinic mask requirements for patients and P3ers in the Arizona, Nevada and Florida markets.
In the California and Oregon markets all staff will wear masks mandated by local government laws. All patients will be required to wear a face covering while in the clinic. If the patient doesn’t have one, a mask will be provided.
Hand Sanitizer: Everyone is asked to sanitize their hands when they enter the building. Hand sanitizer is available at each entrance and at various locations throughout each clinic. In addition, each member of our health care team sanitizes their hands before and after each patient visit.
Other safety measures.

Hand washing:
Clinic staff will wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol prior to and after providing patient care and touching any shared object, equipment or surface.

Exam rooms:
Exam rooms will be disinfected between patient visits. Specifically, the exam room and equipment will be sanitized, including, but not limited to, light switch, exam table, chairs, sink faucet, countertop, stool, door handle, MA Cart, pulse oximeter, thermometer, stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.

Cleaning surfaces:
All clinic surfaces and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected at least twice daily using approved disinfectants as identified by the EPA, including, but not limited to, door handles, reception area chairs, countertops, computer keyboards, telephones, computer mice, desk chair arm rests, breakroom chairs and table, sink faucet handles, copier panel and medical equipment.

Social distancing:
Clinic staff and patients will remain six feet apart at all times unless it interferes with patient care in which case the provider will wear the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) to safeguard both the patient and the provider. We have removed and repositioned chairs in our reception areas to meet social distancing standards.
More information on coronavirus
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory virus that is contagious and can spread from person to person, like the flu and other respiratory viruses. If you traveled to a high-risk area or have been in close contact with an infected person, you may be at risk of getting the COVID-19 virus. The infection is most dangerous for many of the same people who are at risk for serious illness from the flu: older adults and those with chronic diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Were you exposed to COVID-19?
Learn what to do here.
Screening for COVID-19 Symptoms: All patients and visitors will be screened for COVID-19 prior to entering the clinic.
Caregivers, family members and other visitors may enter the clinic on a limited basis.
Caregivers/Family: One caregiver or family member may accompany the patient into the clinic. The caregiver or family member must undergo screening protocols and wear a face covering.
Other Visitors: Essential visitors may enter the clinic. All essential visitors must undergo screening protocols and wear a face covering.