Looking for a new primary care provider?

P3 Medical Group takes pride in being a dedicated healthcare partner for the vibrant communities of Tucson and Sierra Vista. With a commitment to delivering compassionate and high-quality medical care, our team of skilled professionals is here to support and enhance the well-being of our patients. We are honored to serve these wonderful communities.

From staying well, to managing illness, you’ll receive the best possible care during every visit from our quality providers. Between visits, you’ll receive ongoing support from your dedicated care team, who understand your unique needs.

For more information call  (520) 620-9770 today!

Arizona Health Insurance Partners

At P3, we recognize that every patient’s needs are unique. In 2023, P3 is contracted with Medicare and a variety of Medicare Advantage health plans giving patients more choices to meet those needs. Each of these plans share our commitment to helping patients set, reach and maintain their wellness goals.

New P3 patient?

To schedule your first appointment with us, please complete the form below. A member of our care team will contact you shortly to book a day and time to visit one of our providers.

Schedule your appointment

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P3 Health Partners Medical Group: Testimonials

Hear from our patients and their personal experiences with P3 Health Partners Medical Group.

Meet our care team.

Patients are at the center of our care model.

Our dedicated care management team takes the time to understand your comprehensive needs. Bridging the gap between your physician and your busy lives, we offer health education on preventing disease, guidance managing chronic disease and resources for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Everything from helping you interpret lab results and scheduling your next comprehensive exam to finding transportation and a nearby support group, and more.

Call us today at (702) 570-5582.

Healthcare Network- Big Heart

Annual Enrollment Period (AEP).

The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is October 15 through December 7 every year. The plan coverage you choose during the AEP begins on January 1 of the next year. It allows Medicare beneficiaries to add, change or drop their current coverage. You can use this period to enroll into a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or switch plans. If you’re already enrolled into a Medicare plan, you can use this period to disenroll from your plan.

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