New Senior-Focused Medical Group Opens in Las Vegas

April 17th, 2018 Las Vegas, Nev. – Community members in the Las Vegas Valley will soon have more options to choose from when it comes to selecting a medical group to manage their care. P3 Health Partners is opening four new clinics next month to raise the bar for quality care and reduce physician burnout. … Read more

Seasonal Allergies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Jennifer Leepard, MD Have you ever been outside on a beautiful Spring morning with the wind blowing and enjoying the flowers and the trees only to find your car covered with a fine yellow powder? When you clean it off your windshield, do you start sneezing? Are your eyes itchy and red? Does your … Read more

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

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By Roopa Dani, MD Patients think that dementia and Alzheimer’s are 2 different diagnoses, but in fact, Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia. Dementia is a group of brain disorders that start initially with memory problems which get worse as time goes by. Patients have difficulty with cooking, cleaning, driving, paying bills, managing … Read more

Managing Medications

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Roopa Dani, MD Most senior patients, develop multiple health conditions as they get older. Sometimes this requires them to see multiple specialists, which may prescribe multiple different medications. This can lead to several of problems like drug-drug interaction, side effects of medications, organ failure and sometimes death. In 2008, 7.1% of all hospitalizations for … Read more

Chronic Kidney Disease

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Our kidneys filter and remove waste products from the blood stream, sending the waste to the bladder for removal via urination. As we age, our kidneys ability to perform this process decreases. If the waste products are not removed fast enough, they can back up your system and damage your kidneys, … Read more

Sleep Hygiene

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By J. Kate Tuttle, FNP-C Sleeping is a critical part of our health. It gives the brain an opportunity to rest and recover. Some research even suggests sleep gives the brain the opportunity to “forget” things that have inundated our brains throughout the day. As we age, many of us believe that we need fewer hours … Read more

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